Do you have a planned school event (i.e. a field trip, homecoming dance, etc.) that you need to raise money for? Yes, you do! At some point, you must have asked yourself: How can I raise money for school events?
There are plenty of ways to raise funds and get everyone involved. However, with all the choices available on the internet, picking the best ideas can be a bit overwhelming. Additionally, it gets boring using the same old fundraising ideas year in and year out. What you are looking for are ideas that will excite people and capture their imagination.
In this blog, we give you the best ideas to get you started and make your upcoming school event a success.
Ask around; if your school has uniforms, students love the idea of turning up to school in their casual clothes and Tacky Day is even more fun! What better way to have them fundraise for a school event than allowing them to attend school in other outfits besides the same old, boring uniform? This is a simple but effective idea for a fundraiser. You can have the students come in themed clothes for a small amount. Alternatively, you can let them decide for themselves. As a bonus, you can have teachers turn up in fancy outfits as well.
This one is not the most fun of ideas, but it is equally effective in raising money. All you have to do is ask your students to bring old cartridges, clothes, old phones, or a combination of these to school. There are plenty of companies willing to buy such things. Arrange a temporary partnership with such companies and sit back as you enjoy your easily raised money.
As you can imagine, everyone loves sleep. Right from the unruly toddler to full grownups. How about organizing a fundraiser around everyone’s favorite lounging apparel, PJs? You can have students pay a small amount to come to school in their pajamas. You can then theme the day around talking about sleep, its science, its importance, the different stages of sleep, etc. It would be an excellent opportunity to incorporate some fun into learning while raising funds.
Alternately, you could set a fundraising goal for a class or the school, overall. Once the goal is reached, then the group gets to wear pajamas for the day. This can also work for the Non-Uniform/Tacky Day idea.
Whichever event you plan for your school, the Color Run is always a good idea to raise funds. Typically, a color run involves a huge crowd running from one point to the other and having color powder thrown at them at certain points. This is loads of fun especially considering everyone ends up coated in color from head to toe.
For a school color run, the distance will be shorter. The students can have their friends and family sponsor them to participate in the run. Teachers and other staff can then volunteer at certain color points to comply with any Covid-19 restrictions. Every participant should be clad in white to accentuate the colors. Have a photographer on hand to take a before and after team photo of the absolute madness that will ensue. We talk about setting up Fun Runs here, with tips that can easily be applied to the Color Run.
It is good having a fundraiser that involves students, but what about the parents? Most parents will tell you they don’t get out and have fun nearly as much as they would like. Parents’ night to the rescue!
The school would have the students offer childcare services at night as parents enjoy some fun time. This could be a movie, music, dinner; you name it. It would provide parents with a good opportunity to reconnect and recharge their batteries. The kids would also enjoy spending time with their peers. You could also include a pajama theme for the kids to make it more exciting.
You would only need to charge a small fee that encompasses entertainment and childcare. You could also sell tickets at low prices (say, below $5) and organize the event in the lunchroom or gym. Providing a childcare option means the parents wouldn’t need to worry about their kids, and the convenience would make it possible for more people to participate.
A family photoshoot is always a fun idea. It is also straightforward to organize. All you need is a professional photographer. Parents pay a small donation and pose for photos. Once the photoshoot is over, parents can order prints of their favorite pictures.
This would not only help you raise money for your event but also create excellent memories for parents. It is an opportunity for them to document their children’s lives. They would have some cute professional photos to keep and cherish. Everyone wins.
Everyone loves dogs. Few, however, love washing them. And that is an opportunity. Washing dogs can be expensive, but you can make it easy for dog owners by having students volunteer to wash the dogs at an affordable price. Parents, teachers, students, and community members can tag their furry friends along for a wash.
A dog wash fundraiser is also easy to organize. You can host it at the school parking lot, probably on the weekend. You wouldn’t need loads of resources either. Hose pipes connected to a water source, dog shampoo, and towels would suffice. This fundraising idea is perfect for those who hate bathing their smelly pups.
School events can be tough to pull off without the necessary funds. That’s where exciting, intriguing fundraising ideas come in handy. The above ideas will invigorate your students, teachers, and community members to work towards a common goal. Remember to ask your supporters (students and parents) what went well and what you can improve on. They will love it that you value their feedback and it’ll help direct your next fundraising plans. Good luck!
Now that you are here, please check out Lean Stream’s fundraising solutions that will help you centralize and streamline your school fundraisers. Get in touch with our support team for any inquiries.