Lean Stream

Comparing Online vs. Offline Fundraising

Gain insights into the key differences between online and offline fundraising in this informative blog post. Explore the advantages and considerations of each approach to help you make informed decisions and optimize your fundraising efforts for maximum impact.

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Fun Run Guide Pt. 1: Digitize Your School Fundraising & Raise More

Unlock the potential of digitized school fundraising with this comprehensive Fun Run Guide. In Part 1, explore strategies and tools to take your school’s Fun Run event online, maximize participation, and raise more funds through the power of digital platforms.

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What does a fundraising committee do?

Establishing a fundraising committee can help your school system achieve its financial goals through proper planning & execution. The committee can help run a successful campaign smoothly and efficiently.

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Innovative Approaches to Education Fundraising: The Online Marketplace

Even fundraising events that aren’t solely sales focused usually have some type of sales component to them. Read on for a few common-sense tips to supercharge your sales fundraiser.

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