Lean Stream

Why School Fundraising Doesn’t Take the Summer Off

Discover why summer is an opportune time for school fundraising, providing a chance to reflect on achievements, organize tasks, make necessary changes, strengthen relationships, plan ahead, and keep donors engaged. Learn how LeanStream offers fundraising solutions to support year-round efforts.

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How Much Fundraising Is Done Online?

Explore the transformative power of online fundraising for schools in our latest blog post. Discover why digital strategies are reshaping traditional fundraising methods, offering schools new avenues to maximize support and resources.

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How Can I Raise Money for School Events?

Discover effective strategies for raising money for school events in this insightful blog post. Explore various fundraising ideas, tactics, and initiatives that can help you generate funds to support and enhance school events, ensuring their success and providing memorable experiences for students and the school community.

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Seasonal School Fundraising

Discover the power of seasonal fundraising initiatives in this blog post, offering creative ideas to capitalize on the spirit of different seasons throughout the year. From holiday-themed events to seasonal product sales, learn how to leverage the unique opportunities each season brings to boost your school’s fundraising efforts.

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How do we communicate our school fundraiser goal?

As PTAs/PTOs, we need to communicate our school fundraiser’s goal in a certain way and use specific means to increase the possibility of getting support from donors, students, and non-profits.

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10 Smart School Fundraising Ideas to Help You Raise Money Fast

As a school principal, you are the leader who sets the tone for most fundraising events. People look to you for guidance for school fundraising campaigns. Use smart school fundraising ideas to help you raise money fast.

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